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By Ann Marier
For those who are looking to do something that’s a little different with their garden, tropical garden design might be the way to go. By using plants that come from warm climates, you can take what was once a typical yard and transform it into a jungle landscape that can stimulate the imagination and give your yard the feel of something exotic. While it may seem to be a daunting task, tropical garden design can be achieved with a little work.
Will the Plants Grow?
The main barrier that prevents people from trying tropical garden design is the worry that the plants that they choose won’t grow where they live. However, there are many plants that will still grow well in more temperate areas, such as palms, bamboo, rhododendrons, varieties of ferns, and banana trees. Any one of these plants alone can add an exotic feel to your tropical garden design; together, they can make a virtual jungle.
It’s true that some plants will flourish in the summer and flounder in the wintertime. In this case, transplanting some plants inside for the winter will keep them thriving and ready for replanting when the freezing weather is over. When in doubt, your local gardening society can be a great source of information on growing varieties of tropical plants in your area.
Creating Your Garden
One of the great things about tropical garden design is that except for some watering and perhaps transplanting plants from outside to inside when winter hits, tropical garden design is fairly low maintenance. Tropical environments are characterized by lush growth, and as such, you can let your garden grow without worrying about weeding; the extra plants will simply add to the green. You can use large plants like palms and bamboo as the backdrop for shrubs and brightly colored, tropical flowers.
One great idea for tropical garden designs is to use some of the taller plants, such as bamboo, to enclose a small clearing, which can have smaller plants, a sitting area, a hot tub, or just a nice, grassy patch to sit down in. The dense growth that plants like bamboo provide means that you can use your tropical garden design to create a private little outdoor area.
If your home has kids, they’ll love the idea of a garden that incorporates what they might see as a secret area, and you just might like it yourself! So don’t let the fears of your climate stop you – find out what plants you can gather to incorporate tropical garden design into your yard.
About the Author: Ann Marier has written articles on garden issues such as bird problems providing helpful tips and advice. Read her latest articles on garden design offering a new insight and ideas
Source: isnare.com
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