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Submitted by: Health Dossier Systems
Wellness needs are ever-changing. In fact, the concept of integrated health and wellness solutions is transforming the way people think about healthcare. Wellness companies have begun investing concentrated efforts in improving population health, offering wellness solutions and initiatives that go a long way to keep individuals and organizations to get effective and productive in their lives. Wellness companies are focusing on health and wellbeing strategies that are also programmed to provide best-in-class occupational and urgent care services.
Customized Wellness solutions
Many health assessment tools are available that help employees, individuals and organizations to stay well-thy and encourage healthier employee lifestyles. There are consumer engagement portals that engage and motivate members to take charge of their health. To be sure, the level of confidence the wellbeing programs such as biometric measurements and screenings, wellness coaching programs, behavior modification programs, educational/coaching programs, will positively influence health related behavior amongst them.
From integrated wellbeing solutions to stand-alone solutions, you can depend on them to improve outcomes, manage costs and provide the care you need. The emphasis here is on optimizing health rather than disease. It is better to prevent health risks by embracing wellness and adopting a healthier lifestyle than looking for cure afterwards, when disease or illness would have set in.
Today, there are many wellness companies that have the knowledge and expertise to promote member health and provide the right guidance in wellness engagement. They have effective wellness programs that are personalized, provide guidance to employees and their family members with innovative health plans and programs, communications and reward incentives that drive complete wellness engagement.
Moving Towards Wellness
Wellness solutions if customized to individual needs and interests can meet many and varied challenges associated with achieving different wellness goals for employees and their families.
As interest in wellness programs continues to grow, participation in long-term wellness activities will encourage individuals to eat better, get physically active, handle stress issues better, and respond better to lifes challenges. The success of wellness programs that are designed to achieve different wellness goals also depends on the specific rewards and incentive strategies it provides. Besides, monetary or tangible rewards can go a long way to engage employees and maximize participation in wellness campaigns that help them become more productive in both their professional and private lives.
A successful wellness management approach for employees and other stakeholders may vary greatly in the services that are delivered by companies and other organizations, yet the following core components can be considered for implementing a basic wellness and health program:
Health risks identification tools: Identify health risks through health risk assessments (HRAs) data that include biometric screenings such as height, weight,body mass index (BMI) or body fat, blood draw and testing for pressure checks, cholesterol and glucose levels.
Behavior modification programs: health coaching, smoking cessation classes, weight management, exercise, stress management, robust health trackers, and workplace competitions/contests.
Coaching and educational programs: health education, fairs and no-cost seminars, self-guided wellness workshops, on-line health resources, and built-in health assessment.
Building a culture of wellness: workplace environment changes and culture, motivating employees to make healthy choices, encourage walking, and wellness-related campaigns, and performance goals.
Customized incentive programs: design an incentive strategy, reward strategies that monetary or tangible rewards, and more.
Over the last few years, we have seen that there has been an incredible shift towards wellness programs at the workplace.With a wellness solution, you can solve health issues and be on the right path to meet your health and wellness needs.Most companies are now promoting good health in the workplace as it can boost productivity and help in cost containment with a strong wellness ROI.
About the Author: Prime Technology Group, LLC is a global, technology services company with innovation at the core of our business engagements. We develop cutting-edge solutions, and carefully select the best Information Technology professionals, making them ambassadors for your business. This approach maximizes our ability to leverage our award-winning teams and put their competencies to work for you. Prime is the conduit which bridges the immediate business solutions of today to the technology advances of tomorrow. For more information:
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