By Danny Ashton
Nowadays, the name Android has become popular in the gadget market. The craze started out from the smartphones – when Apple’s iPhone felt an unexpected little tweak of threat. People accepted Google’s Android positively compared to other operating systems lurking in the market that Android took only a short amount of time to invade the gadgets’ OS. This is especially made evident in the social networking site, Facebook, where you would see almost everybody making comments or shout-outs with that makes-me-feel-proud phrase – via Android. If you have not yet noticed this, then you better turn your laptop on and be amazed with the competition over iPhone.
This Android mantra has even become more popular with the release of the next line of gadgets – the tablets. With multiple manufacturers launching their own versions of Android tablets, you surely would be flabbergasted with the wide collection available. Android is that OS which says your world does not revolve around Apple forever. For the year 2011, here are five of the best Android tablets ever released in the techie world:
1. The Motorola Xoom
Has something really beaten Apple’s iPad? Did Motorola really make a stir when it released its Xoom tablet? Well, you be the judge here. Motorola’s Xoom has twice the processing power of the powerful iPad, has front and rear cameras, has Flash video support, and has the capability to make video calls. It runs the latest Android OS, the Honeycomb, and by the second quarter of 2011, it will be upgradeable to 4G. Well, others may say that Apple is Apple and iPad will always be the lovable iPad that won the hearts of many. Looking at Xoom’s specs, however, you can’t deny that it is way more powerful than the iPad. No surprise it won the Best Gadget title at the 2011 Consumer Electronics Show! The only edge that iPad has over this tablet is that you can select from a wider array of apps with the former but everyone knows that Android is currently catching up. Sooner or later, the number of its apps will be at par with that of the Apple’s.
2. The Samsung Galaxy Tab 4G
Running at Android 2.2 and soon at 2.3, the Samsung Galaxy Tab 4G is another tablet to watch out for this year. It comes with a 1.2 GHz Hummingbird processor, a rear 5 megapixels camera, and a front 1.3 megapixels camera. What’s cool about this gadget is that it is capable of becoming a Wi-Fi hotspot for a maximum of 5 devices. If you’re the sharing-type-of-person, Wi-Fi wise, then well, you can really spread the blessings brought by this tablet. The only drawback with this, however, is that it slows down when you run Flash apps. But given the rest of its specs, this issue is surely tolerable.
3. Asus Eee Pad Transformer
Design-wise, this tablet is already a winner. The Asus Eee Pad Transformer comes with a keyboard dock which converts itself into an amazing Android-running netbook. This tablet has a 10.1 inch touch screen, a 5 megapixels LED flash camera on the back and a 1.2 megapixels cam on the front. Moreover, this gadget is powered by a Nvidia Tegra processor which runs Android 3.0. The Transformer surely satisfies the group who can’t make the most use of the iPad because it lacks the keyboard feature.
4. LG G-Slate (Optimus Pad)
Running at Android 3.0, the LG G-Slate is the next hot gadget to crave for. Why? It comes with the 3D feature, which allows you to record 3D film and play it back. Only, you still have to use the special glasses but you surely won’t mind this if you’re really the 3D fan. This tablet also comes with an 8.9-inch screen, a Tegra 2 processor, a front camera, an HDMI output, and a 4G feature. Well, what more can you ask for from LG?
5. Acer Iconia A500
Design-wise and hardware-wise, this gadget quite resembles the Motorola Xoom. The Acer Iconia A500 is powered by 1 GHz Tegra 250 dual core processor, runs at Android 3.0, and has a 1 GB RAM. It also comes with the Flash support but still, there are glitches with its OS. This tablet is a sure hit on media and game plays, more likely to rival Apple’s iPad. Although this may not be the perfect gadget that you can ever have, it still stays as one of the best Android tablets ever released in the 2011 market.
About the Author: Danny loves writing about the
best Android tablets
at his blog. You can find plenty of other Android tablet information at
Android Tablet Fanatic
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