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There are all kinds of dental professionals to take care of patients’ teeth, gums, and overall oral health, not the least of which is a periodontist. Other practitioners include general, cosmetic, or pediatric dentists, endodontists, and orthodontists. The dentist that a patient needs will depend on what issues need to be examined, diagnosed, and treated.
Periodontists are professionals that have several years of schooling beyond an average DDS. They specialize in gum disease and other chronic conditions. They often place dental implants in patients who have lost one or several teeth. If a patient finds himself or herself with gum disease or needing a dental implant, this may be the doc to see.
General DDS
This practitioner takes care of all general diagnostics and treatments including x-rays, cleanings, and filling cavities. This professional is also referred to as a family DDS as he or she would likely treat all age groups within a family.
Cosmetic Dentist
Cosmetic procedures have been growing in popularity like wildfire. Whitening, filling gaps, covering unsightly stains and jagged edges are all specialties of this pro. If a patient needs bleaching, capping, bonding, veneers and overall beautifying of the smile, this is the dental professional to turn to.
Pediatric DDS
It takes a unique skill set to take care of the youngsters in the crowd. These dentists often have fun offices with games, toys, posters, DVDs playing on the widescreen, and most importantly they have a gentle manner that is effective with young patients.
Teeth are not just the enamel we see above the gum line. What lies inside and beneath are crucial to oral health, too. In fact, the word “endodontic” comes from Greek words, “endo,” meaning “inside.” and “odons,” meaning “teeth.” The root structures, the dentin, the nerves, and much more play a substantial part in the health and stability of each tooth. When a patient needs a root canal or has some sort of infection or disease in this region, an endodontist is the doc to make an appointment with.
An orthodontist is a dentist who focuses on straightening teeth. When a person has an underbite, overbite, overcrowding, or other misalignment, he or she would need to turn to an orthodontist. Treatment methods are varied and include Invisalign, traditional braces, and newer models of bands. Invisalign devices are clear, removable plastic trays that are replaced periodically in the course of the straightening process. Traditional braces are those made from metal and wires so often cause a wearer to be dubbed “Tin Grin” or “Metal Mouth.” Newer bands are a rainbow of colors or even clear. Some are attached to the backs of the teeth rather than the fronts. Youngsters get these devices as early as age eight or nine years old and into their teen years. Adults are common orthodontic candidates, too.
When a person needs dental work performed, he or she will have to take a look at what needs to be done. He or she may need a periodontist, endodontist, orthodontist or general, cosmetic or pediatric DDS.
Article Source: sooperarticles.com/health-fitness-articles/dental-care-articles/do-you-need-periodontist-735001.html
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A Phoenix periodontist will keep your teeth in top shape. For a caring, experienced practice, please visit blueperio.com/.Author: Aaliyah Arthur