By Angela Desalva
Table top displays are a cost effective way of advertising your products and services at trade shows and exhibitions. They are especially useful when you have space constraints and are unable to use bigger display units. They can also be used to compliment other graphic and visual display units.
Advantages and Use of Table Top Displays
Table top displays are in general a good investment as they can be used for a variety of purposes and work equally well all by themselves and in parallel with other display units. Because of their size, they are extremely portable and can be easily set up anywhere in and outside the exhibition booth. You can even use table top displays in your office or at convention and conference venues. A table top display at the entrance of your office or seminar venue can help your visitors get a quick update on your company and offerings. It can also be used announce the launch of new products, schemes and other company initiatives.
These displays come in various styles and sizes and are suitable for all kinds of budget. You can enhance the appeal of table top displays by highlighting them with lights. When used in conjunction with other display units, they can serve the purpose of highlighting finer aspects of your offerings, which you are unable to include in the bigger, eye catching displays that serve the primary purpose of attracting the crowd to your booth.
Tips for Designing Table Top Displays
When designing a visual for your table top display, remember that your display is much smaller in size than a regular display unit, so requires a slightly different treatment. It is advisable to keep the messages displayed on it brief and to the point. This is important to grab the attention of your audience and ensure that they stay interested in the contents of the display. Like with all other displays, using pictures along with text to convey the message is a good idea.
Since you have limited space on a table top display, don’t waste the space by displaying a big company or brand logo on it. There are other areas that you can use for this purpose like the skirting of the table, marketing brochures or even your business cards. But this is not to say that you can not even have a small logo image on the display – you can, but do not make it one of the larger components of the design.
While designing the visuals for your table top display, make sure that the letterings are appropriately sized. Lettering that is too large would seem overpowering and loud, while if it is too small then it would get lost on the display. When using a table top display, also ensure that you have adequate lighting to highlight your display and draw attention to it.
If you require professional help to get table top displays designed, don’t shy away from it. Professional designers can produce really good results with application of their past experience and knowledge of design and aesthetics.
About the Author: For more information on
table top displays
exhibit design
, contact an exhibit professional at Adfab Exhibits.
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